Fly Black and white pen (白で飛ばせる白黒ペン) 白で飛ばせる白黒ペン

Content ID:1751020

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"The normal black and white pen is half black and white to a thin line... I want the fine lines to be white ! 」

I was adjusted by that!

It is a black and white pen which I draw with a line when I draw it lightly with pressure .

◆ Sample 1
Tears, sighs, hair lines, saturated line of the hand
It becomes like this when I color it. It is possible to draw white lines and black line with the pressure of the ↓ ♪
The tip of the saturated line pen is a little white skipping. ↓

◆ Sample 2
Water line

◆ Sample 3
Rain Line

◆ customize
• The percentage of black and white should be changed to the "orientation" number.
Please adjust the settings of pen pressure of "mixing rate of sub drawing color" to the rate of flying in white.
The vertical height of the chart corresponds to the strength of the pressure.
-If you want to make the line, please put a random ✓ "brush size" and adjust the number to your liking.







Fly Black and white pen 白で飛ばせる白黒ペン

White Monochrome saturated line 先が白い白黒集中線

Content ID:1751020

Published : 4 years ago

Last updated : 4 years ago

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ツイッターでクリスタの機能だったり素材だったりの解説とかプチ小技を呟いてます。 素材の問い合わせは日本語でお願いします… I can reply only in Japanese.