Hand-painted Japanese decorative brushes (手描きの和装飾ブラシ集) 手描きの和装飾ブラシ集

Content ID:1730439

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Hand drawn brushes/style decoration

It is a set of Japanese style decoration brush drawn with a slightly textured pen. All ten species.
In addition to the manuscript of the Japanese world view, the pattern of the kimono.
Hand drawn brushes / Japanese style decoration


It is the one made for the decoration of the monochrome manuscript of ■ 600dpi, but the color change is possible.

All except ■ "Gravel ribbon" and "Mizuhiki Ribbon" are stamp ceremony.
Please use the size and spacing while adjusting it to your liking.

I think whether it is lovely even if I use it for the frame in a ■ monochrome manuscript.

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[Appended later]

I have released the second installment of this brush collection ◎
Please use it together if it is necessary.

Hand-Painted Japanese decorative brushes vol. 2




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【 後日追記 】


 「手描きの和装飾ブラシ集 2」

Hand-painted Japanese decorative brushes 手描きの和装飾ブラシ

Content ID:1730439

Published : 6 years ago

Last updated : 5 years ago

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