Gray Line Tile (グレー線画化タイル) グレー線画化タイル

Content ID:2005641

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It becomes tile line art when I paint with an air brush

It is a layer material!

The material of this place is a separate material collection of "Gray Shadow Line (for homebrew)"(Content ID: 2005428) will be created material.
Please use the material of this place for trial.
Because it is written in the material collection of that, please try to make it by all means!

When the tile line material is deformed to the Perth, and the range required by the airbrush is applied, it comes out as a line drawing there.

The video is coated with a replace alpha (not darker than the specified opacity) airbrush.
※ This brush is distributed in the shadow Line painted in gray (for homebrew) of another material collection.

The brush opacity changes the way the lines change.
○ There are two types of tile line-drawing material, and the way of flying the line is different without noise and noise. Please use it for your liking.
○ The sample layer is a layer to display because the line art is not visible before the painting is applied. Please hide before painting.
Please paint the layer "apply here" with an air brush.







Content ID:2005641

Published : 10 months ago

Last updated : 10 months ago

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ツイッターでクリスタの機能だったり素材だったりの解説とかプチ小技を呟いてます。 素材の問い合わせは日本語でお願いします… I can reply only in Japanese.