Straight set of analog wind (アナログ風の直線セット) アナログ風の直線セット

Content ID:1723021

  • 20,182
This material collection includes materials that can be used in Studio Mode. (What is Studio Mode?)

Hand-drawn Brush & Tool

A set of pens and frame border that draw a line with a little fluctuation.
I made it aiming at the line which I drew with a ruler by analog work.

■ Brush tip images are created in 600dpi/gray.
 It is possible to change the color in the line with only a little Zara.

■ Frame border played the brush shape of the default rectangle frame tool.
 The shape of the frame can be freely created.

Because the ■ Pen is a ribbon brush created in the "draw a straight line" application, it is unsuitable for drawing with a lot of people and curves.

■ The same Brush standard shape tool (--yes, □).
Hand-drawn brush & tool






Due to the nature of the ■ brush, it is drawn with a line that is thinner than the default line.

■ Brush tip images are five species. The drawing order is random.
Because the line is connected in any order,
If you have any unnecessary parts, please remove them as appropriate.

Application of this material

■ Brush setting [register to preset], you can use the same line in other shape tools.

■ Frame border [roundness of the corner], to feel a little cute.
The specification of the roundness is recommended because "length specification" becomes a beautiful rounded corner.

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We have released a new balloon tool that can be used with this material.
Please use it together if it is necessary.

"Analog wind Balloon Tool"



【 この素材の応用 】



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【 追記 】



Hand-Painted frame border & pen 手描きコマ枠&ペン

Hand Drawing Tools 手描き図形ツール

Content ID:1723021

Published : 6 years ago

Last updated : 6 years ago

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