[Limited time 80CP] Can be transformed! 3D Cliff + Celestial Sphere 4 colors 8-piece set (【期間限定80CP】変形できる!3D崖+天球 4色 8点セット) 【期間限定80CP】変形できる!3D崖+天球 4色 8点セット

Content ID:2154209

  • 81
This material catalog contains materials that can be used from Clip Studio Paint Ver. 3.1.0. ( Download Clip Studio Paint Ver.3.1.0 )
This material collection includes materials that can be used in Studio Mode. (What is Studio Mode?)

This is a material collection of "3D layer images" 4 colors and 8 pieces set using "3D cliff object".
Green/Red/White/Yellow 2K and 4K materials are available for each color.

Since the light source and fog are already set by combining the "celestial sphere", you can create an atmospheric 3D scenery just by dragging and dropping from the material palette.

"3D Cliff object" can also be transformed by dragging, so you can duplicate, move, transform, or combine other 3D building materials to make various arrangements.

【Provision of 8K Materials】
We have received reports from people who have purchased other materials that errors occur during downloading. We have not been able to identify the cause because it is not reproduced here, but we will refrain from providing 8K because it may be caused by a large file size. (There is no refund system.)

It has a natural shape, and even if it is duplicated and arranged, the feeling of repeating is less noticeable.

When transformed to the Y axis, the relief of the entire ground can be adjusted.

You can transform the part you want to adjust by dragging.

The parts that can be dragged are in a 5×5 grid.

This is a reference image comparing the colors and tones of 2K and 4K, respectively.

The "extract line" and "tone" of "layer property" are also set for reference, so you can turn on the effect and adjust it to your liking.

When toning an image with many gradients, it is very difficult to convert them together, so in the reference image, the "cliff" and "celestial sphere" are divided into layers as follows and each is toning.

"Celestial Sphere" toning layer folders.
If you layer a layer fill in 50% gray with overlay and add a noise filter (gray), you can adjust it while checking the state of the gradient in the preview.

Detailed data for each material.
Please note the amount of free storage space due to the large download size.

Included in "3D layer Images"
Detailed data of 3D Object and celestial spheres.

Due to the quantity limit of the material collection and the reduction of the download size, "3D Cliff object" and "Celestial Sphere" are not included as individual materials, but if you register each material yourself, you can use it as a single material.

グリーンレッドホワイトイエロー 各色ごとに2K・4Kマテリアルを用意。







ドラッグできる部分は 5×5 のグリッドになっています。

2K・4K それぞれカラーとトーンを比較した参考イメージです。







3D layer image (green) 3Dレイヤー画像(グリーン)

3D layer image (red) 3Dレイヤー画像(レッド)

3D layer image (white) 3Dレイヤー画像(ホワイト)

3D layer image (yellow) 3Dレイヤー画像(イエロー)

Update history

2025-02-26 Release 2025-02-26 公開

Content ID:2154209

Published : 3 hours ago

Last updated : 31 minutes ago

りまーじ's profile Go to profile

フリーランスの絵描きです。 ゲームやマンガの背景デザインなど描かせていただいてます。 参加作品:「DRAGON QUEST X」「KINGDOM HEARTS χ」「LORD of VERMILION Ⅱ」「ヴァニタスの手記」等

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