A ribbon brush that cross-hatching a solid (ベタをカケアミにするリボンブラシなど) ベタをカケアミにするリボンブラシなど

Content ID:1677660

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Last time, it is not the effect of sharpening the brush cross-hatching the transparent color, it has the effect of blurring in cross-hatching from the middle of the solid. 前回もそうですが、カケアミブラシを透明色にして削るような効果ではなく、ベタを途中からカケアミでぼかすような効果にしています。

It is a erase brush to use from the top after applying a solid.
Previously UP "Eraser (ID: 1675094) that looks like a cross-hatching on a solid" was used for a narrow range of hair, but this time, I will distribute a ribbon brush and a slightly more extensive.
I like the horizontal line ribbon by myself.
前にUPした「ベタをカケアミっぽくする消しゴム(ID: 1675094)」は毛先などに使う狭い範囲用でしたが今回は少し広範囲なものと、リボンブラシを配布します。

Eraser (Erase Brush) 消しゴム(消去ブラシ)

Ribbon Brush (Erase) リボンブラシ(消去)

Update history

2016/07/16: "Diagonal ribbon brush" added. Added "one Ribbon" and "diagonal ribbon" to the sample image. 2016/07/11: Forgot to put "one ribbon brush" added. (No swatch) 2016/07/16:「斜線リボンブラシ」追加。見本画像に「1かけリボン」と「斜線リボン」追加。


Content ID:1677660

Published : 8 years ago

Last updated : 3 years ago

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