Japanese-style room_8 tatami mats_240923 (和室_8畳_240923) 和室_8畳_240923

Content ID:2117185

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  • Handle 1 / column white / building white / patio white / lighting white 縁柄1/柱白/建具白/天井白/照明白
  • Monochromatic white 白単色
  • select color gamut use 色域選択用
  • texture テクスチャ
  • Silk handle 2 / column white / building white / patio white / lighting black 縁柄2/柱白/建具白/天井白/照明黒
  • 縁handle 3 / column white / building white / patio white black / lighting white 縁柄3/柱白/建具白/天井白黒/照明白
  • Silk handle 4 / column white / building white / patio white black / lighting black 縁柄4/柱白/建具白/天井白黒/照明黒
  • Handle 5 / column white / building white / patio black / lighting white 縁柄5/柱白/建具白/天井黒/照明白
  • Silk handle 6 / column white / building white / patio black / lighting black 縁柄6/柱白/建具白/天井黒/照明黒
  • Handle 7 / column white / building black / patio white / lighting white 縁柄7/柱白/建具黒/天井白/照明白
  • Silk handle 8 / column white / building black / patio white / lighting black 縁柄8/柱白/建具黒/天井白/照明黒
  • Silk handle 9 / pillar white / building black / patio white black / lighting white 縁柄9/柱白/建具黒/天井白黒/照明白
  • Silk handle 10 / column white / building black / patio white black / lighting black 縁柄10/柱白/建具黒/天井白黒/照明黒
  • Handle 11 / pillar white / building black / patio black / lighting white 縁柄11/柱白/建具黒/天井黒/照明白
  • Silk handle 12 / column white / building black / patio black / lighting black 縁柄12/柱白/建具黒/天井黒/照明黒
  • 縁handle 13/ pillar black / building white / patio white / lighting white 縁柄13/柱黒/建具白/天井白/照明白
  • 縁handle 14/ pillar black / building white / patio white / lighting black 縁柄14/柱黒/建具白/天井白/照明黒
  • 縁handle 15/ pillar black / building kit white / patio white black / lighting white 縁柄15/柱黒/建具白/天井白黒/照明白
  • Silk handle 16 / pillar black / building white / patio white black / lighting black 縁柄16/柱黒/建具白/天井白黒/照明黒
  • 縁handle 17/ pillar black / building kit white / patio black / lighting white 縁柄17/柱黒/建具白/天井黒/照明白
  • 縁handle 18 / pillar black / building kit white / patio black / lighting black 縁柄18/柱黒/建具白/天井黒/照明黒
  • 縁handle 19/ pillar black / building black / patio white / lighting white 縁柄19/柱黒/建具黒/天井白/照明白
  • Silk handle 20 / pillar black / building black / patio white / lighting black 縁柄20/柱黒/建具黒/天井白/照明黒
  • Silk handle 21 / pillar black / building tool black / patio white black / lighting white 縁柄21/柱黒/建具黒/天井白黒/照明白
  • Silk handle 22 / pillar black / building black / patio white black / lighting black 縁柄22/柱黒/建具黒/天井白黒/照明黒
  • Handle 23 / pillar black / building black / patio black / lighting white 縁柄23/柱黒/建具黒/天井黒/照明白
  • Silk handle 24 / pillar black / building black / patio black / lighting black 縁柄24/柱黒/建具黒/天井黒/照明黒
  • 縁黒 1 / column white / building white / patio white / lighting white 縁黒1/柱白/建具白/天井白/照明白
  • 縁黒2 / column white / building white / patio white / lighting black 縁黒2/柱白/建具白/天井白/照明黒
  • 縁黒 3 / pillar white / building white / patio white black / lighting white 縁黒3/柱白/建具白/天井白黒/照明白
  • 縁黒 4 / column white / building furniture white / patio white black / lighting black 縁黒4/柱白/建具白/天井白黒/照明黒
  • 縁黒5 / column white / building white / patio black / lighting white 縁黒5/柱白/建具白/天井黒/照明白
  • 縁黒6 / column white / building white / patio black / lighting black 縁黒6/柱白/建具白/天井黒/照明黒
  • 縁黒 7 / pillar white / building black / patio white / lighting white 縁黒7/柱白/建具黒/天井白/照明白
  • 縁黒 8 / pillar white / building black / patio white / lighting black 縁黒8/柱白/建具黒/天井白/照明黒
  • 縁黒 9 / pillar white / building black / patio white black / lighting white 縁黒9/柱白/建具黒/天井白黒/照明白
  • 縁黒 10 / pillar white / building black / patio white black / lighting black 縁黒10/柱白/建具黒/天井白黒/照明黒
  • 縁黒 11 / pillar white / building black / patio white black / lighting black 縁黒11/柱白/建具黒/天井白黒/照明黒
  • 縁黒 12 / pillar white / building black / patio black / lighting black 縁黒12/柱白/建具黒/天井黒/照明黒
  • 縁黒13 / pillar black / building white / patio white / lighting white 縁黒13/柱黒/建具白/天井白/照明白
  • 縁黒 14 / pillar black / building white / patio white / lighting black 縁黒14/柱黒/建具白/天井白/照明黒
  • 縁黒 15 / pillar black / building kit white / patio white black / lighting white 縁黒15/柱黒/建具白/天井白黒/照明白
  • 縁黒 16 / pillar black / building white / patio white black / lighting black 縁黒16/柱黒/建具白/天井白黒/照明黒
  • 縁黒 17 / pillar black / building kit white / patio black / lighting white 縁黒17/柱黒/建具白/天井黒/照明白
  • 縁黒 18 / pillar black / building white / patio black / lighting black 縁黒18/柱黒/建具白/天井黒/照明黒
  • 縁黒 19 / pillar black / building black / patio white / lighting white 縁黒19/柱黒/建具黒/天井白/照明白
  • 縁黒 20 / pillar black / building black / patio white / lighting black 縁黒20/柱黒/建具黒/天井白/照明黒
  • 縁黒 21 / pillar black / building black / patio white black / lighting white 縁黒21/柱黒/建具黒/天井白黒/照明白
  • 縁黒 22 / pillar black / building tool black / patio white black / lighting black 縁黒22/柱黒/建具黒/天井白黒/照明黒
  • 縁黒 23 / pillar black / building black / patio black / lighting white 縁黒23/柱黒/建具黒/天井黒/照明白
  • 縁黒 24 / pillar black / building black / patio black / lighting black 縁黒24/柱黒/建具黒/天井黒/照明黒
  • Transom shoji_transparent 欄間障子_透明


  • Tatami mat 1_Near_Uneven 畳1_近_凹凸あり
  • Tatami 1_Near 畳1_近
  • Tatami 1_ medium 畳1_中
  • Tatami 1_Far 畳1_遠
  • Tatami 2_ 畳2_近
  • Tatami 2_ medium 畳2_中
  • Tatami 2_far 畳2_遠
  • Tatami 3_Near_White 畳3_近_ホワイト
  • Tatami 3_medium_white 畳3_中_ホワイト
  • Tatami 3_Far_White 畳3_遠_ホワイト
  • planking 板張り
  • carpet 絨毯
  • 1_Ceiling_Height 1_天井_高
  • 1_Ceiling_Low 1_天井_低
  • 2_Ceiling_Height 2_天井_高
  • 2_Ceiling_Low 2_天井_低
  • 3_Ceiling_Height 3_天井_高
  • 3_Ceiling_Low 3_天井_低
  • 4_Ceiling_H 4_天井_高
  • 4_Ceiling_Low 4_天井_低
  • 5_Ceiling_Height 5_天井_高
  • 5_Ceiling_Low 5_天井_低
  • 6_Ceiling_Height 6_天井_高
  • 6_Ceiling_Low 6_天井_低

Update history

Old version

Content ID:2117185

Published : 4 hours ago

Last updated : 4 hours ago

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主にモノクロ原稿に使えそうな素材をちょこちょことアップする予定です。 自分の作業環境のiPad(Apple pencil)、B4モノクロ原稿(600dpi)での使用を想定した素材が中心です。 柄トーンや3D等。 お役に立ちますと嬉しいです。 攻撃的、侮辱的なメッセージには返信できません。 素材へのご質問は大歓迎なのですが、お返事のための時間確保が現在厳しいため、クリスタの基本操作につきましてはユーザーガイドをご覧ください。 そして場合によっては数時間かけて図解や翻訳や推敲を行って反応もないと普通にへこみます⋯。

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