Pen + Caspar Pen (かしペン+カスレかしペン) かしペン+カスレかしペン

Content ID:1708763

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It is a pen with a habit weaker than last time. I made it to draw it with a light touch silky.

The difference between the two pens is the Caspar condition.
The "pen" is for the manuscript, and the "Caspar Pen" is suitable for graffiti because the transparent is easy to remain along the line when the Caspar is strong and solid.

Originally, I want to make a "Caspar pen" for a manuscript! So I was able to "pen" is a
To make the two pens look much different, we have the same settings other than the image material.




Category 1 カテゴリ1

Content ID:1708763

Published : 7 years ago

Last updated : 7 years ago

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