■ Pen pressure is extremely weak
■ Use a lot of flat lines, but sometimes very thick lines
■ Penning speed is slow, lines do not overlap too much.
■ I want to slightly cheat the roughness of the drawing line
It is a manuscript pen that I made for myself. For pen pressure yowayowa.
The pen itself is set to stiff, so use it with a larger aperture.
(When the pen pressure exceeds 75%, the line width suddenly becomes thicker).
No anti-aliasing, no tint variation (color change allowed), no tilt
★ Added a new version that is slightly closer to thin lines.
It's a niche setting, but please try it if you like.
★ビヨビヨした滲みっぽいノイズ増し、やや細線寄りの NEWver.を追加しました。