It is an assortment of pattern materials reminiscent of the Eighties.
When you want to get a pop atmosphere.

It becomes seamless.
It is the same as the author who distributes the thing of the same pattern in some other sites.



Pattern パターン
80's Flush 80'sどっと
80's Hail 80'sあられ
80's Hail 80'sあられ
80's Hail 80'sあられ
80's Hail 80'sあられ
80's Tsubu 80'sつぶつぶ
80's Tsubu 80'sつぶつぶ
80's Megu 80'sじぐざぐ
80's Triangulum 80'sさんかく
80's Triangulum 80'sさんかく
80's thong 80'sひも
80's thong 80'sひも
80's Throwing away 80'sすてぃっく
80's Maru Triangulum 80'sまるさんかく
80's Curl Triangulum 80's丸まるさんかく
80's Maru Triangulum 80'sまるさんかく
80's got to be. 80'sぐらでーしょん
80's got to be. 80'sぐらでーしょん
80's got to be. 80'sぐらでーしょん
80's Hoshikuzu 80'sほしくず
80's Hoshikuzu 80'sほしくず
80's Hoshikuzu 80'sほしくず