It is a wall material with the chimney which pasted the mantel of the height 130cm× width and the texture of the brick.
The room can be combined with a separate selling wall and window series.
A candlestick with three candles and a 30cm in diameter added a plate.
For more information, please click on the thumbnail of each object below to see the instructions.
File size, the wall with the fireplace is 5444KB, ' wall A ' 388KB, ' B5m high ' 1012KB, ' candlestick 3 ' 768KB, ' decorative plate ' 1920KB.
3D Object 3Dオブジェクト
Update history
February 16, 2019 UP
March 24, 2019 Flame Guard Design Change
May 16, 2023 Mantel, wall design changed. Additional wall extension. Candlestick, additional decorative plates
2019年 2月 16日 UP
2019年 3月 24日 炎ガードのデザイン変更
2023年 5月 16日 マントルピース、壁のデザイン変更。延長壁の追加。燭台、飾り皿追加
Old version