5 kinds of spaghetti (スパゲッティ5種) スパゲッティ5種

Content ID:2137985

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This material collection includes materials that can be used in Studio Mode. (What is Studio Mode?)

There are 5 kinds of spaghetti 3D Object: "Bolognese", "Vongole 2 types", "Squid ink spaghetti", and "Migratory crab with tomato cream sauce",
It is a set of fork 3D Object that reproduces the way to eat them.
I think there are some places where the atmosphere is different from the real one.
Please click the thumbnail below to check the details and download it after you are satisfied.

For details of each material, please click on the thumbnail of each material below.
"Migratory crab with tomato cream sauce" is fettuccine (flat noodles with a width of 7mm)
"Bolognese" is intended for tagliatelle (flat noodles with a width of 5 mm).

As written in the manual of "Eating Fork & Spoon", using a spoon to eat spaghetti is
Only in Japan since the 1990s.



Category 1 カテゴリ1

Update history

December 16, 2024 UP 2024年度 12月 16日 UP

Content ID:2137985

Published : 2 hours ago

Last updated : 2 hours ago

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