Three-dimensional positive cross symbol material collection 14 sets (立体的正十字シンボル素材集14セット) 立体的正十字シンボル素材集14セット

Content ID:1918942

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The cross symbol material collection is the second edition. I made it with the intention of "three-dimensional, stylish".

It contains 14 images of "positive cross" and an extra image with the length of vertical and horizontal.

(The "Solar cross" was added instead of the hook cross)



600dpi created in vector format . The overall size is about 000px and horizontal.

The material itself has no color and is transparent with line drawings. Because it is a vector material, it is strong to enlarge, shrink, and deform .

The original one is five points.

Enlarged view.

Of course it is also possible to change the orientation in the flip right side.

The "swirls" derived from the cross was also designed to be a symbol of the B temple, maybe good?

It is a rose image. By combining with various crosses, you can get various "roses cross". What about that secret society?


I apologize.
The "Solar cross" was added instead of the swastika.





《左右反転》 で向きを変えることももちろん可能です。

十字から派生した「まんじ(卍)」もデザイン化して収めましたb お寺の記号にいいかも?




Image 画像

Content ID:1918942

Published : 2 years ago

Last updated : 1 year ago

廬舎那@ルシャナ's profile Go to profile

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