Double Line Balloons (二重線フキダシ) 二重線フキダシ

Content ID:1845206

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This material catalog contains materials that can be used from Clip Studio Paint Ver. 1.10.10. ( Download the latest version here )
This material collection includes materials that can be used in Studio Mode. (What is Studio Mode?)

Dual-line Speech balloon tool
* This material is limited to monochrome.

It can be two types: the shape type and the continuous curve type.

* If you want to glue multiple balloons together, you can draw a balloon in monochrome to make a line on the Verge. Convert the layer to gray and immediately re-convert it to monochrome. (This is a monochrome layer that maintains gray information.) )

The line width is 乗kkatsu on the "brush size" (black line) with a "2-brush size" (white line).
Adjusting the brush size will also change the 2-brush size.
Adjusting the 2-brush size will only change the thickness of the white line.

When the object tool is scaled, the double line also changes to shrink when the ☑ is placed in the change thickness while scaling.
When the change thickness while scaling is turned OFF and deformed, the double line width does not change.

The how to transform of the object tool is "control point" so that you can manipulate the control point. You can move control points to deform freely.

This is the line and base setting.
If you want only the black line to appear, you can make the combine mode of the layer "multiply" and respond.








Double Line Balloons 二重線フキダシ

Content ID:1845206

Published : 2 years ago

Last updated : 2 years ago

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