3D hotel room Set _ver1 .8 [modified version 2] (3Dホテル部屋セット_ver1.8[修正版2]) 3Dホテル部屋セット_ver1.8[修正版2]

Content ID:1743789

  • 10,494
  • 100 GOLD
  • 1,000 CLIPPY
This material collection includes materials that can be used in Studio Mode. (What is Studio Mode?)

* Japanese Windows version ClipStudioPaintEX only has been confirmed, it cannot be guaranteed to work in an iPad or other environment.
This Asset is confirmed to operate only in in-version of ClipStudioPaint and EN OS environment.
・This asset is confirmed to operate only in Japanese version of ClipStudioPaint and Japanese OS environment.

-3D material for the old format is made into a 1.8.0 format, there is a case that can not be used by a how to show and odd places,
There is a possibility that there is an unidentified problem, and approve it.

・ Approx. 48,000 polygons in all sets
Interior Set file size 19MB (.csmo)

* Please make sure that there is no strange place rasterize as much as possible before exporting.
Please be careful not to forget to erase the curtain and the ceiling lighting because there is no backside.
Rotate the Y-axis to the inside of the door.
The furniture has only a center axis setting for the chair.
[Only empty rooms] is a lightweight material if you only want to use the room frame.
ClipStudioPaintEX 1.8.8 Check

* Correction Point of the previous material



・ClipStudioPaintEX 1.8.8で動作確認


3D Hotel room Set 3Dホテル部屋セット

Update history

May 27, 2019 ・ We apologize for the update because there was a place where the display was disturbed when I displayed it small, and thank you for renewal. Added a little material. The initial display setting was made the same as official material. ※ If you want to use the previous material When the ★ display is strange, please adjust it by the method of the support of ★ point. https://www.clip-studio.com/clip_site/support/request/detail/svc/71/tid/90908 May 24, 2019 Ver1.8.0 has been modified in the form of 3D material because some of the layout display was broken in the old format material. There is a part where the material decreases, etc. 2019年5月27日



Old version

Content ID:1743789

Published : 5 years ago

Last updated : 5 years ago

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