Kyutto and Letters (キュッと文字) キュッと文字

Content ID:1731801

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This material collection includes materials that can be used in Studio Mode. (What is Studio Mode?)

It is a pen that I made because I did not look for it before. (If there Sumimasen)

I wanted to draw a kyutto-ish character like electronic sound.
Please if good

Kyutto Pen
※ When you want to curve the needle, it is good to stop the stroke in the corner.
▼ Kyutto Straight Line (Straight line tool)



Kyutto Pen キュッとしたペン

Content ID:1731801

Published : 5 years ago

Last updated : 5 years ago

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ツイッターでクリスタの機能だったり素材だったりの解説とかプチ小技を呟いてます。 素材の問い合わせは日本語でお願いします… I can reply only in Japanese.