Brush and various sets of fountain pen style (万年筆風ブラシと色々セット) 万年筆風ブラシと色々セット

Content ID:1679706

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This material collection includes materials that can be used in Studio Mode. (What is Studio Mode?)

A brush and gradient map, a set of textures and layers to draw a line with a shade of color, such as a fountain pen.
A little annoying.

It is troublesome a little.
For full color.
I set the brush, the texture, the layer, the gradient map collection.


The color of the main color and sub color is not to have to be strictly this color, but I think that it is good to make it gray with a dark gray and thin.

If you want to adjust the tint, adjust the level correction layer.
When you want to darken the color of the ink, and to thicken it, I think that it is good to make a gradient map by oneself or to put the tonal correction layer above.

Because the line drawing is opaque, I make a layer below and assume that I paint a color-line folder, but change it as you like.

Brush Swatch
??? I wanted to make a Flexnib, but it became one thing.
Mapping pen with weak pressure, it is a flat pen with strong pressure.
It is very interesting to be able to adjust the pressure well.
I think that the direction of the pen tip changes when the calligraphy is a pen tab corresponding to a slope.

gradient map Color swatch
There are a lot of similar colors and it is rolled almost the same color. Please try to recreate and use it yourself.

I think if you can play while experimenting with a variety of different ways of fellowship of the lines and subtle and delicate and so long line is a shade. I feel that I can also use a marker.
I want to remake it when a little more tidy way is thought.








Brushes and various sets ブラシと色々セット

Content ID:1679706

Published : 8 years ago

Last updated : 8 years ago

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自分用に作ったブラシなどを配布しています。/投げクリッピーいただきありがとうございます、使わせていただきました。しかしなくて大丈夫なので素材楽しんで使ってください。申し訳ないですが基本DM見ていません。 ・有料の雑誌、本、講座などでの素材配布ページの紹介はご自由にどうぞ。素材ページにある情報、素材のサムネも紹介目的の範囲であれば使用していただいて構いません。承諾のメール等お返事できておらず申し訳ありません。

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