Fast-moving, canvas-like brush set 挙動が速い、キャンバスに描いたような効果が得られるブラシセット
It is a brush set that moves fast and gives the effect of drawing on a canvas.
Shades are produced by pen pressure. No tilt detection.
There is no mix ground color function except for the brush dedicated to color mixing, so depending on the color adjuxtacity, the color will become cloudy.
A canvas texture is also enclosed. Just put it on linear light or overlay.
All the general thick brush works slowly, so I made it for myself.
The brush with +α is the easiest to apply, but it is a little slow because it is a dual brush.
How to adjust for people with weak pen pressure ↓
Quick oil paint 快速油彩
Quick oil paint◯ 快速油彩◯
Rapid oil painting with pen pressure 快速油彩◯筆圧あり
Quick oil paint◯ + α 快速油彩◯+α
Rapid oil painting ◯ + α pen pressure 快速油彩◯+α筆圧あり
Rapid Oil Painting ◯ Sharp 快速油彩◯シャープ
Quick oil paint ◯ spread 快速油彩◯散布
Quick oil paint△ 快速油彩△
Rapid Oil Painting △ Sharp 快速油彩△シャープ
Quick oil paint △ spread 快速油彩△散布
Quick oil □ 快速油彩□
Rapid oil painting ◯ Paper quality available 快速油彩◯紙質あり
Rapid oil painting ◯ Paper pen pressure 快速油彩◯紙質筆圧あり
Rapid oil painting △ Paper quality available 快速油彩△紙質あり
Rapid oil painting ◯ paper spraying 快速油彩◯紙質あり散布
Quick oil paint ◯ color mixing 快速油彩◯色混ぜ
Quick oil paint △ color mixing 快速油彩△色混ぜ
Quick oil paint □ color mixing 快速油彩□色混ぜ
Rapid oil color mixing with paper quality 快速油彩紙質あり色混ぜ
Rapid Oil Texture 快速油彩テクスチャ
快油彩柔らかめ(筆圧設定reference 用) 快速油彩柔らかめ(筆圧設定参考用)
Update history
For reference for people with weak pen pressure, we have added two types of soft brushes that display all pen pressure setting items. 筆圧が弱い人の設定の参考用に、筆圧の設定項目が全て表示されている柔らかめのブラシ二種を追加しました