5mm graph 350/600dpi underlay, preventing overdrawing (5mm方眼350/600dpi下敷き、描き込みすぎ防止) 5mm方眼350/600dpi下敷き、描き込みすぎ防止

Content ID:2157448

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350/600dpi 5mm graph underlay to prevent overdrawing of digital illustrations 350/600dpiの5mm方眼下敷き、デジタルイラストの描き込みすぎ防止に

It is an underlay that I made with the idea that I could do something about the problem of drawing too much endlessly, which is a digital work. Recommended for those who use hatching a lot and those who drew in analog.

Please use it by laying it under the manuscript or multiplying it from above. By default, it is set to light green, which is easy on the eyes, but you can change it to any color you like in the layer color.

A 1mm wide line is drawn in the 5mm square. It is lightweight because it is a pattern material made of a monochrome layer of solid black.

Generally, 600 dpi is for monochrome and 350 dpi is for color. The dpi is also written on the material itself. Of course, when scaled, it does not become a 5mm square.





5mm graph 350/600dpi underlay, preventing overdrawing 5mm方眼350/600dpi下敷き、描き込みすぎ防止

Content ID:2157448

Published : 19 hours ago

Last updated : 19 hours ago

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