There are 9 types of short-time brushes that can quickly write rain according to the direction of the pen.
With some exceptions, the settings have been reviewed and changed to reflect the size of the pen according to the scale.
I also confirm that it draws without any problems while fit to screen the canvas.
I replaced all three brush tips of the ripple brush (2 colors supported).
* If you are using the old version, please update here.
ペンの向きに合わせて降る雨をサッと書ける時短ブラシ 9種です。

Category 1 カテゴリ1
Ripple brush (2 colors available) 波紋ブラシ(2色対応)
Raindrop brush (diffuse) 雨粒ブラシ(拡散)
Raindrop brush (B) 雨粒ブラシ(B)
Raindrop brush (A) 雨粒ブラシ(A)
Rain splash brush 雨跳ねブラシ
Rain brush falling in the direction of the pen (close) ペンの向きに降る雨ブラシ(至近)
Rain brush falling in the direction of the pen (blur) ペンの向きに降る雨ブラシ(ぼかし)
Rain brush falling in the direction of the pen (straight line) ペンの向きに降る雨ブラシ(直線)
Rain brush falling in the direction of the pen ペンの向きに降る雨ブラシ
Update history
May 25, 2021 First edition released
Updated May 4, 2022 Added ripple brush.
Updated October 28, 2022 Add a straight brush
Updated March 3, 2025 All three brush tips of the ripple brush (2 colors supported) have been redrawn and changed.
* The sample image of the brush tip has been replaced.
2021年5月25日 初版 公開
2022年5月4日 更新 波紋ブラシの追加。
2022年10月28日 更新 直線ブラシの追加
2025年3月3日 更新 波紋ブラシ(2色対応)のブラシ先を3種全て描き直し変更。
Old version