Just trace the direction of rain
It is eight kinds of shorter brushes easily to write.
Since the setting has been changed significantly, such as linked to the brush size,
If you are using the previous version, please update here.

Category 1 カテゴリ1
Rain brush in the direction of the pen ペンの向きに降る雨ブラシ
The rain brush that falls in the direction of the pen ペンの向きに降る雨ブラシ_ぼかし
A rain brush that falls in the direction of a pen ペンの向きに降る雨ブラシ_至近
Raindrops brushes _A 雨粒ブラシ_A
Raindrops brushes _B 雨粒ブラシ_B
Raindrops Brushes _ Spreading 雨粒ブラシ_拡散
Rain Splash Brush 雨跳ねブラシ
Two-color Ripple brush 2色対応_波紋ブラシ
Update history
May 25, 2021 initial release
Updated May 4, 2022 add a ripple brush for two colors
※ I greatly reviewed the pen setting and changed it.
2021年5月25日 初版 公開
2022年5月4日 更新 2色対応_波紋ブラシ追加
Old version