Rain brush in the direction of the pen (ペンの向きに降る雨ブラシ) ペンの向きに降る雨ブラシ

Content ID:1841981

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It is a rain brush that can rainmaker in the direction of the pen.
I think you can shorter.
When you want to change the size of the paint, the falling rain and rain and diffuse brush workin' particle size
Water droplets A & B can be changed brush size
水滴 A & B はブラシサイズ変更で可能です


Rain brush falling in the direction of the pen
-The rain brush falling in the direction of the pen _ far
The rain brush that falls in the direction of the pen _ nearby
Rain Splash Brush
Water Drop Brush _A
Water Drop Brush _B
Water Drop Brush _ diffusion

Total of seven species.

A & B is suitable when you want to draw a raindrops and foot individually.




水滴 A & B は個別に雨粒を描き足したい時に向いてます。

Category 1 カテゴリ1

Update history

May 25, 2021 first edition Ver.1.00 released 2021年5月25日 初版 Ver.1.00 公開

Content ID:1841981

Published : 3 years ago

Last updated : 3 years ago

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