We corrected defects in the "Design Door", reduced the material, and added a wall with a height of 5 m.
As for the wall, you can choose "Wall B" in the layout, which can be combined with other room parts.
Wall lights and doors are not integrated with the wall, so they can be hidden or moved in the object list.
The key is hidden by default, so in the scene where you want to turn the key up, show it from the object list.
Category 1 カテゴリ1
Update history
Sep. 12, 2024 Add a wall Organizing textures Correction of asymmetry of door decoration (gold edging) 2024年 9月 12日 壁の追加 テクスチャの整理 ドアの装飾(金縁取り)の左右非対称の修正
Old version