Design doors and Keys (デザインドアと鍵) デザインドアと鍵

Content ID:1850375

  • 135
  • 400 CLIPPY
This material collection includes materials that can be used in Studio Mode. (What is Studio Mode?)

It is the double door of the height 250cm place. It is the type which the window that one point of the Rose was printed on the brown-tinged glass.
The table side is the thumb-latch handle, and the inside is the glass grip knob.
How about the living room door of the wedding hall and the mansion?

This time, I changed key to a rose motif, and I put a spare key.
We fixed other bugs and added materials.
高さ250cm位の両開き扉です。 ブラウンがかったガラスに薔薇のワンポイントがプリントされた窓があるタイプです。


Category 1 カテゴリ1

Update history

July 2, 2021 changed the key and the thumb latch design.              Fixed bug. Add color. Etc 2021年  7月 2日 鍵とサムラッチのデザイン変更。
             不具合の修正。 カラーの追加。 等

Old version

Content ID:1850375

Published : 3 years ago

Last updated : 3 years ago

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