For bird's-eye view - small town by the river + night view (鳥瞰用-川辺の小さな街+夜景) 鳥瞰用-川辺の小さな街+夜景

Content ID:2103240

  • 166
  • 1,450 GOLD
  • 20,000 CLIPPY
This material can be used in Studio Mode. (What is Studio Mode?)

[ 1 ] is a simple color representation of the separation state of the object.
Please compare with [ 2 ] and check it together with the object list (hierarchical structure) below.

However, since the number of colors displayed is limited, the same color may be assigned even in separated parts.

Basically, houses are divided into specific sections, and exterior walls and trees (poly plates) are divided individually.

Those with _[P] at the end are short for Parent and act like layer folders. (Parent hierarchy)
If you select from the list, you can perform operations such as show/hide, move, rotate, and scale at once.

Also, the parent hierarchy itself is basically empty.
(It's not that there's any object there, it's just there to serve as a folder.)

◆How to operate trees

The tree shown in the image above is a object with no thickness.

Therefore, the back side does not have color information. (If you rotate it 180 degrees horizontally, it will be displayed in pitch black as shown above, or in some cases, it may not be displayed on the screen.)

By turning off [Backface Calling] in the rendering settings, the back side of the polygon will also be drawn.
However, the [Backface Calling] function omits the drawing of the back side of the polygon and reduces the load, so please set it according to your own environment.

Also, since it is not a billboard, it does not automatically face the direction of the camera.
(Currently, Clip Studio Modeler, which is a software for setting up 3D materials, cannot set billboards) (Similar to handling normal maps and shape keys, it is placed in materials that require material differences and layout registration, and cannot be bundled.)

Therefore, when changing the angle, you need to change the angle manually.
Here are the steps:

[ 1 ] Set the manipulator operation as shown above.

[ 2 ] Select all (hardwood_01~coniferous_14) from the object list.

At this time, instead of selecting the parent hierarchy, manually select (Hardwood_01→ press Shift (Coniferous_14) and select it.

* At this time, the manipulator will be displayed at the position of the first selected object (the object list background is a slightly darker light blue).

[ 3 ] Manipulate the manipulator and rotate the object to match the camera angle. All selected object are collectively rotated around their origin.

If the operation is troublesome / the tree is not necessary, you can hide it all at once from the layout preset or object list.

・Number of vertices: 128,887 in total 
・file size: 4,976 KB

■ LT conversion setting example: A4/600dpi line width 0.05mm / detection accuracy 50 / raster

【 Remarks / Supplement 】

Due to the production process and maintenance, it is not the actual size.
Each object is also quite deformed for a bird's eye view, so it is not suitable for applications such as walking people and using them for close-ups and aori.

Please note. Best regards.

[ 1 ] は、オブジェクトの分離状態を簡易的に色で表したものです。
[ 2 ] との比較や、以下のオブジェクトリスト(階層構造)と併せてご確認ください。



リストから選択すると、一括で 表示/非表示・移動・回転・拡大縮小 等の操作を行うことができます。







(現状3D素材セットアップ用ソフトであるClip Studio Modelerでは、ビルボードを設定できません)(ノーマルマップやシェイプキーなどの扱いと同様で、マテリアルの差分やレイアウト登録が必要な素材内に配置し、同梱することができない状態です)


[ 1 ] マニピュレータ操作を上図のように設定します。

[ 2 ] オブジェクトリストから(広葉樹_01~針葉樹_14)をすべて選択します。



[ 3 ] マニピュレータを操作し、カメラアングルと合うようにオブジェクトを回転させてください。選択されたすべてのオブジェクトが、それぞれの原点を中心に一括回転します。


・頂点数: 計  128,887
・ファイルサイズ: 4,976 KB

■ LT変換設定例:A4/600dpi 線幅0.05mm / 検出精度50 / ラスター

【 備考・補足 】



material マテリアル

  • 01 01
  • 02 02
  • 03 03
  • 04 04
  • night01 night01
  • night02 night02
  • night03 night03
  • night04 night04
  • monochrome monochrome

disposition 配置

  • all (reset) all(リセット)
  • Tree [plane] without (reset) 樹[平面]なし(リセット)

Content ID:2103240

Published : 1 month ago

Last updated : 1 month ago

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