錬金術セットA 低 alchemy set A low (錬金術セットA 低 alchemy set A low) 錬金術セットA 低 alchemy set A low

Content ID:2094049

  • 66
This material can be used in Studio Mode. (What is Studio Mode?)

This version is slightly less expensive to render. The transparent material object and the vertex increase version of the skeleton book have been removed. レンダリング負荷を少し抑えたバージョンです。透明マテリアル使用オブジェクトと骸骨本の頂点数増量版が削除されています。

 The design of the balance has been changed.

The initial model had a scale that exceeded the expected range of movement, so instead two models with a design with little contradiction were included.

ver.1.1 : A model in which the scale is reduced to match the range of motion without changing the silhouette as much as possible.

ver.1.2: A model with a silhouette change from 1.1 with changes to the hanging part of the balance plate to increase the range of motion from the initial model.

Balance design modification. We have made a object configuration that can be moved for the time being.

When moving parts, set "Movement reference axis" and "Rotation reference axis" to "Align to object".

It is only movable and the original purpose of the balance model is decoration. When using it as an acting accessory for a character in the work, please use a precise balance made by another material maker.


ver.1.1 :シルエットはなるべく変更せず目盛りを可動域に合わせて削減したモデル。

ver.1.2 :初期モデルより可動域を広げるため天秤皿の吊り下げ部分などに変更を加えた1.1よりシルエット変化のあるモデル。





  • default material 初期マテリアル


  • default layout 初期レイアウト

Update history

Modified balance design 天秤のデザインを修正

Old version

Content ID:2094049

Published : 8 days ago

Last updated : 8 days ago

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