This is a collection of 3D Object materials for Mouton boots.
Perfect for your feet in the chilly season.
Vertices: 27,504 (4,915~9,125) + textures
Prices are subject to change without notice.
頂点数: 27,504 (4,915~9,125) +テクスチャ
[Right foot/R],[Left foot/L],[Bore right foot/R],[Bore left foot/L]
If you want to make detailed settings, directly select the part of the object you want to move and adjust the parameters.
When resetting all parameters, it is convenient to select "default layout" from the layout.
This material is also available at BOOTH . Please feel free to use it.
Have a good Mouton boot life!
本素材は BOOTH でも取り扱い中です。ぜひご利用ください。
Mouton Boots ムートンブーツ
Mouton boots with boa ムートンブーツ(ボアつき)
Update history
2023/12/28 ... We reviewed the scale and set pose parts. As a result, the layout and materials have changed, so please be careful when updating. 2023/12/28 … スケールを見直し、可動パーツ設定をしました。それに伴いレイアウトやマテリアルに変更が生じているため、アップデートの際はご注意ください。
Old version