Witch Hat 3D (魔女の帽子 3D) 魔女の帽子 3D

Content ID:2006013

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This material collection includes materials that can be used in Studio Mode. (What is Studio Mode?)

Witch hat 3D material. I put a cloak and a cane for extra. I put a bone in my hat and cloak.  魔女の帽子の3D素材です。おまけでマントと杖を付けています。帽子とマントにはボーンを入れています。

○ Sample 1 (light source + texture)
○ Sample 2: Hat bone operation
The collar has a bone in the four directions. The triangle of the gully part bends by about four places.

○ Sample 3: Hat (texture, contour, contour + light source, LT conversion)
○ Sample 4: Bone operation of Cloak
Mainly, the collar moves down from the shoulder of the cloak.

Sample 5
It is poor, but it is an example of use.
Pose doll is the material that I have exhibited myself. This material collection is not included. ID: 1955760 (6-head prototype Rod doll)

And completion



 ポーズ人形は自分で出品している素材です。本素材集には付属していません。ID:1955760(6頭身 試作棒人形)


Category 1 カテゴリ1

Bonus おまけ

Content ID:2006013

Published : 1 year ago

Last updated : 1 year ago

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