Basic Pattern Material Collection (ベーシックパターン素材集) ベーシックパターン素材集

Content ID:1437655

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It is a simple pattern material. Turn on the layer color and change it to whatever color you want.
When I pasted it on the canvas, I made it by black × transparent. Put on the colored and use.

A simple seamless pattern.
It is made in black × transparent (the white part is a transparent above image).
Create a colored layer to make it a base, then cover it.
You can change the color by TURNING on the layer color.
It is a diamond pattern of the square.
Narrow stripe >... is a narrow diagonal stripe pattern.
Double stripe... a stripe pattern with a narrow double line.
Dashed grid 1 >... a pattern that depicts a grid by a dashed line.
Dash Grid 2 >... a pattern that depicts a grid with a dashed line. It is the type that some dashed lines are in the fat.

Pattern (black x transparent) パターン(黒×透明)

Update history

5/16 basic Pattern 5 posted. 5/16 ベーシックパターン5つ投稿しました。

Content ID:1437655

Published : 11 years ago

Last updated : 8 years ago

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