○ Mr./Ms. Pull 1 (light source + texture)
○ Mr./Ms. Pull 2: Hat bone operation
The brim of the hat has bones in four directions. The triangular Tongari part bends in about 4 places.
○ Mr./Ms. Pull 3: Hat (texture, contour, contour + light source, LT conversion)
○ Mr./Ms. Pull 4: Branch broom
・Size selection
Select the size of the broom from the "object List" or "Layout Presets".

・LT conversion
○ Mr./Ms. Pull 5: Cloak bone manipulation
○Examples of use
It's a bad example, but it's an example using a hat and a broom.
The doll uses a "prototype stick doll (7 heads), ID: 1955753", which is exhibited separately from this material. It is not included in this material collection.
Hats and brooms are LT converted and used. The broom added a little shadow after LT conversion.
