[Free Limited time] three-dimensional cross brush material collection (【期間限定無料】立体十字ブラシ素材集) 【期間限定無料】立体十字ブラシ素材集

Content ID:1979346

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It is a brush of the image material series of the cross that I used to make. (We assumed that they would be used as one point with an emphasis on image cleanliness and ease of processing.)

With a brush, I keystrokes to pom-poms. Some mix and use.

The free time is only now, so it is advantageous to download as soon as possible.



The aim was not only on Christianity but also in the broad coverage of the cross-use scenes.

Special Cross
The Celtic cross is a combination of a circle on the cross, called the Celtic Cross, which originated near Ireland.
Halo: Light emitted from a circle that is often on the head of a saint.
[Orb] The cross which stands on the sphere (Earth) is a symbol of the royal prerogative.
[Ankh Cross] The Egyptian cross is also a good symbol of life.

The reverse cross and the inverse cross were originally called the Peter Cross, but from the upside of the Cross of the sacred symbol, it was assumed to be sinister. However, there is a magician who positively used it in the opposite, too.
[Swirls] is a symbol commonly used in Buddhist temples and is based on a solar light. Similar to the Nazi swastika, the swastika is clockwise and irrelevant.
Brushes are main color and can be changed in sub color color.

I also made a multi-brush to depict multiple crosses.

You can also add three-dimensional feeling by filling the shadows.

《 Additional material 》
The Rose Cross and the gem Cross are added.
Two positive cross joined.
In the multi-brush ver. 2, the types of crosses depicted have been increased.

【ケルト十字】 十字架に円を組み合わせたものはケルト十字と呼ばれ、アイルランド近辺が発祥です。
【後光】 聖人の頭の上によくある輪っかから放射される光。
【宝珠】 球(地球)の上に立つ十字は王権の象徴。
【アンク十字】 エジプト十字ともいい、生命の象徴。

【逆さ十字、逆十字】 もとはペテロ十字などとも呼ばれていましたが、聖なる象徴の十字を逆さにするところから、不吉なものとされたようです。しかし、逆に積極的に活用した魔術師もいます。
【まんじ(卍)】 仏教の寺院の印とかによく使われる記号で、もとは太陽光線をかたどったもの。ナチスの鉤十字に似ていますが、鉤十字は右回りで無関係です。



マルチブラシver.2 で、描写される十字架の種類が増えました。

Two-color brushes 2色ブラシ

Update history

2023, 01/29 first published 2023, 02/04 8 brushes added, 14 → 22 2023,01/29 最初の公開
2023,02/04 8ブラシ追加、14→22個に

Content ID:1979346

Published : 2 years ago

Last updated : 2 years ago

廬舎那@ルシャナ's profile Go to profile

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