MJI arborvitae Bush Brush

Content ID:1979039

A realistic arborvitae Leaf brush that goes with the direction of the stroke.

I wanted some life like arborvitae leaves so I painted some. There are multiple frames to the brush and the direction goes with the stroke. One of these brushes blends with black/white and the other blends with the base color. They both are useful for shading and highlights.

The rest of the set has some more solid textured brushes for either making a more solid base underneith these brushes or to have a different style bush.

Update history

Content ID:1979039

Published : 1 year ago

Last updated : 1 year ago

BugFolk's profile Go to profile

I'm new here trying to figure out the layout and features. I'm also a clumsy typer so I apologize for my typos in advance. My main art is polymer clay. I'm trying to improve my digital art skills, thus why I am here.