My version of the grass blade brush, done in oil pastel, cleaned up digitally, and then made into a brush. Useful for lawns, in the spaces between sidwalk cracks, anywhere a bit of foliage on the ground is desired. Plays well with my clover and coneflower brushes.
This brush is a mixture (11 brush tip varities) of grass blades to fill in a lawn space, or use as an accent in anywhere grass would naturally grow. The example below shows the brush in use with my clover brush and coneflower brush. The clouds in the background are also mine and available for download.
Change the particle size in the spraying effect tab to change the scale of the brush.
Change the scale of the brush to affect spraying amount. This brush does better with a smaller scale and the spraying closer together. Just drag across with your mouse or tablet pen to get a spray of grass blades and to fill in an area.