MJI Oil Pastel Trees

Content ID:1993151

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A series of trees I made to use as stamps. The brush chooses them at random, and it may take some adjustment to get what you want. Zoom in or out to adjust the size of the brush on the canvas.

This was an extensive project that took me a few weeks, but I drew a series of trees, bushes, and shrubs individually in oil pastel, scanned them,  and then cleaned them up digitally. I later removed the bushes and shrubs so this brush has just the trees. My reason was the bushes rendred huge, so they will come later as their own brush.

This image uses a combination of my brushes available for download. The trees are from this brush.

Zoom in and out to adjust how big you want the trees on your canvas. The brush chooses at random, but if you want more control you can use the image material and put it directly on your layer, then adjust the size. Also if you want, you can set the brush to not flip horizontally, if you want the shading consistant.

In use:

Can be used in clusters or individually

Content ID:1993151

Published : 1 year ago

Last updated : 1 year ago

BugFolk's profile Go to profile

I'm new here trying to figure out the layout and features. I'm also a clumsy typer so I apologize for my typos in advance. My main art is polymer clay. I'm trying to improve my digital art skills, thus why I am here.