Color Harmony Filter (色彩調和フィルター) 色彩調和フィルター

Content ID:1938676

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Natural Harmony gradation Set/Filter

This gradient set was created on the theme of "Nature chain of Hue" in Chromatics and color harmony theory. All 36 species.
The screen that is close to the gray enriches the color tone, and colorful screens into a cohesive color.
Natural harmony gradation set / Filter


【What is the natural chain of trivia and hue?】 】
Under natural light, the place where it hits the light looks yellowish, and the shadow looks blue-violet.
By using the color scheme of this law, it is easier to create a natural sense of cohesion... This is one of the color studies.

Of course, it doesn't apply to all the ways colors look, but I thought it would be fun to make a material that makes use of the rules, so I made it.
Please use it when you say, "I don't know the theory, but I want to put together a good color scheme ~"!

It is also recommended to color manga drawn in gray with gradient map ◎
Try making a manuscript created for printing a little cute when it is posted on the Web.  

This is a sample using "tonal correction layer gradient map" based on this image.
I change the combine mode of the layer depending on the image.
combine mode is just an example, so please try various things and enjoy using it!

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TIPS on gradient set are also available.
We introduce how to read and use it, so I hope you find it helpful ◎

"Introduction and utilization ideas of [gradient set] materials downloaded from CLIP STUDIO"




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Content ID:1938676

Published : 2 years ago

Last updated : 1 year ago

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