Tailored Frills 2 (お仕立てフリル2) お仕立てフリル2

Content ID:1904667

  • 34
  • 150 GOLD
  • 1,500 CLIPPY
This material catalog contains materials that can be used from Clip Studio Paint Ver. 1.10.10. ( Download the latest version here )
This material collection includes materials that can be used in Studio Mode. (What is Studio Mode?)

There is a free sample (ID: 1904666).
Because the basic operation is summarized, please confirm it once.

• Material Data
  Main color: black, sub color: White
Gray/600 dpi width x Height: 50 x 50 mm

• Nine stamp types
 → 9 brushes
 → Cubic Bezier 9 points
 → 5 balloons
27  Total
• Bonus
1 layer template  drawing sample

I made it for the purpose to dress up the hem of ' tailoring frills ' (ID: 1904665).

The gray part disappears when the layer is monochrome.

The ribbon of the stripe becomes a white ribbon.

[Race style] (Style) because it is not transparent.
* Tool property and basic operation is similar to sample (ID: 1904666).

[Three types of ribbon]

tool property

The above is the setting of the Ribbon (one side only), the bottom ribbon with the knot (one side).
Be sure to make the same number if you want to change the deformation.

* Some numbers are put in each "effect source settings" so that the array does not become uniform.
* Chile off if you want to be lined up.

Ribbon Original

Pull out any unnecessary originals.

customize the Balloon

A) initial setting
B) Dual Reset
C) The original flip vertical

I customize by pulling out the unnecessary original picture or "interval" in and stuffing it.

Try to make a ribbon brooch
2-In brush format, select the brush you like from the preset → apply.
The following example applied [decorative ribbon A] (ID: 1904665) for [tailored frills].

The official material [Rose _1.10.9] is placed in the center.

For more information on dual settings, see the Trial version (ID: 1904664) tailored frills.


It is layer template and it attaches to extras.
* The test is drawn with a rough brush in the stage.

I think that it is good to combine with a wonderful brush which is a lot of ASSETS.
Enjoy "tailoring" ☆

• 素材データ
グレー・600 dpi 幅 x 高さ:50 x 50 mm 前後

• スタンプタイプ 9 種類
 →ブラシ 9 点
 →3次ベジェ 9 点
 →フキダシ 9 点
 計 27 点
• おまけ
 描画サンプルのレイヤーテンプレート 1 点












a )初期設定
b )デュアル設定を解除
c )原画を《上下反転》


《 2 - ブラシ形式》に、プリセットから好みのブラシを選択→適用。





ASSETS にたくさんあるステキなブラシと組み合わせてもイイと思います。

Lace-like brushes レース風・ブラシ

Race style and cubic bezier レース風・3次ベジェ

Race style/Balloon Ti レース風・フキダシ

Three kinds of ribbons リボン3種

Sample layer template サンプル・レイヤーテンプレート

Content ID:1904667

Published : 2 years ago

Last updated : 2 years ago

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