Weed Set A (Oxalis + Veronica) (雑草セットA(カタバミ+オオイヌノフグリ)) 雑草セットA(カタバミ+オオイヌノフグリ)

Content ID:1784209

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It was not too gorgeous, and the plant which grew up to be familiar was made a material.
In addition to comics and illustrations, the one point of design, please.
There are 127 brushes and image material. ※ For the placement by a single, tip material that was used in the brush is also included.

■ Use Example (B5/600dpi)

First and second frame ...... It is an example of the use of S and L material. It can be used in the background, spraying, and putting it on from the top of the scene. You can also adjust the intensity of the line in the layer property.

Third frame ...... This is an example of the use of SG LG material. Because it is a gray material, the screen becomes lively easily.
(It is recommended to adjust to the scene with tone curve, brightness and contrast.) )

Fourth frame ...... This is an example of SC/LC material use. If you want to be clear, sharp and with the edge of the layer property. (The left and right sides of the scene have a black edge.) )
The middle white border flower is the size pasted by scale in the manuscript of B5/600dpi.

■ Brush Material List

※ The size of the material to be sprayed, please adjust the "particle size" of the spraying effect.

※ S material is a tip image of a flower, a leaf, a round scatter is used.
Only flower is good, round spraying is unnecessary, and please delete it adding it according to the situation.

○ Scatter ■ 2-value ...... I can scatter a circle like the seed of the black edge. The main color and the sub color are reflected because it is made in the gray.
It is the same as the weed material, and the thickness can be adjusted by layer property for monochrome binary values.
Also, the main color sub color is reflected in the circle of the SC brush material.
(Red arrow part in the picture above)

I think that it is also cute to use alone.

■ Thickness adjustment

You can adjust the line width in layer property only if you have converted to a monochrome layer after you have drawn it to a gray layer or a color layer .

The line width of the outer circumference of the material can be adjusted in the Alpha threshold The line width of contents with the Baixia ground in the color threshold .
A color threshold of 1 alpha threshold to 255 makes it almost pure white.
The brush material and the image material support other than the gray material and the color material.

■ Size

This is an example of pasting a image material on the canvas of b5 size 350dpi by scale. (Reduced to 15%)
I put a black edge in the edge effect of the layer property.
The material itself is also the color line drawing.
Please refer to the feeling of size.

※ The background texture is using the number 4 of "color texture A".
↑ Please copy the URL or search for the ID number "1746783".

The material has a tag of language, but please to the reference level.
















Brush ブラシ

Image (Oxalis) 画像(カタバミ)

Image (Veronica) 画像(オオイヌノフグリ)

Content ID:1784209

Published : 3 years ago

Last updated : 3 years ago

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