Plot notes (プロット用メモ) プロット用メモ

Content ID:1752256

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This material collection includes materials that can be used in Studio Mode. (What is Studio Mode?)

The plot is re-order of the episode, and when you want to judge and put both write when you are wondering whether to make a branch of the multiple patterns, I thought I had to do something like this I tried to make.

Let's just throw a prototype anyway. Please try it if it is good ^ ^
I put the text on the balloon and make it. Drag and drop to the canvas to load.

◆ I make it in size of A4 color (350dpi).
If you want to fit a different size, please adjust the size and register the material again.
* If the basic expression color is monochrome, the color information will be lost. (I do not know the bug or the position is shifted from the drag position.) )
◆ The character is adjusted to enter the frame. In the case of deformation, please go from the "scale" of the Edit menu. ( After CLIP STUDIO ver1.9.1 , you can simultaneously transform the text with the balloon. )
* The deformation from the object tool can only deform either the balloon or the text. It can be deformed at the same time if the deformation from the Edit menu. (Ver1.9 onwards)
◆ Operation Point
You can edit characters in the Text tool.
While using the Text tool, you can temporarily switch to the object tool with the Ctrl key, so you can move the balloons and text at the same time as you move the balloons.
Release the CTRL key to return to the text tool.
You can temporarily switch to the select layer tool with the SHIFT + Ctrl key. You can click or drag to select the note balloon you want to edit to find the layer immediately.

◆ Bonus
Clubhouse Square Line tool and arrow continuous curve tool. If you draw vector layer, you can edit it later!
You can draw in the color of the drawing color.

The continuous curve tool starts with the arrow tip at the first click. You can draw a curve by multiple clicks. Double-click to end point.






Sticky Notes (Balloons) メモ用付箋(フキダシ)

Line tools 線ツール

Content ID:1752256

Published : 4 years ago

Last updated : 4 years ago

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ツイッターでクリスタの機能だったり素材だったりの解説とかプチ小技を呟いてます。 素材の問い合わせは日本語でお願いします… I can reply only in Japanese.