Color Processing filter Creation/Cinema (色調加工フィルター作成/Cinema) 色調加工フィルター作成/Cinema

Content ID:1734381

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Auto Action/Cinema colors

"Cinema/Cinema" auto action color processing
It is a set of nine auto action that expresses a smoky and retro atmosphere, such as that taken with film.

I created it because I wanted to do something similar to the photo retouching.
I would be happy if you enjoy the feeling like processing in the app.
Auto action / Cinema colors



How to use this auto action
① Choose your favorite filter
Click the Play button on the ② action
※ I think it is okay because the action is not heavy, but I recommend that you save the data before the action to make sure.

■ Canvas size and resolutions are all OK. (Samples are created in 350dpi)

■ Do not touch the layers of the original, new layer create a folder and draw
It is also possible to fine-tune later.

■ Overall, because the over processing enters, please try to finish a good feeling while adjusting the concentration of each folder.

The sample uses the picture and the photograph that the author Drew.

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The auto action to create a portrait filter is also being published.

"/Airy creation of color processing filters"

【 このオートアクションの使い方 】





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Content ID:1734381

Published : 6 years ago

Last updated : 5 years ago

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