A brush set with an analog crunched painted style (アナログでざくざく塗った風なブラシセット) アナログでざくざく塗った風なブラシセット

Content ID:1730186

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Hand drawn Brushes

A set of brushes that can be drawn with a sense of hand-drawn fill crunched with a thin pen.
The author uses nuances in fill parts, and white solids.
I make it with a pen with only a little Zara.
Hand drawn brushes


It is made for ■ 600DPI's monochrome manuscript, but it is possible to change the color.
The default setting is to draw as much line width as a pen of 0.3 to 0.5 sizes.

■ With the seamless texture made from "crunched" brushes,
I put a brush that can be used to paint it with a flat brush.

It can be used for color because the color change ■.

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A toolset is also being published that draws analog-like lines.
Please use it together if it is necessary.

[Straight set of analog wind]



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An analog crunched-coated brush アナログでざくざく塗った風なブラシ

An analog crunched-coated texture アナログでざくざく塗った風なテクスチャ

Content ID:1730186

Published : 6 years ago

Last updated : 6 years ago

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