Freehand Gutter Character (フリーハンドふち文字) フリーハンドふち文字

Content ID:1688041

  • 603
This material collection includes materials that can be used in Studio Mode. (What is Studio Mode?)

The border character I wrote in the freehand is pretty cute, but I made it because I can not write very well フリーハンドで書いたフチ文字はかわいいけど自分じゃなかなか上手く書けないので作りました

It is a auto action and a brush to make it to the character which I wrote in a free hand of the letter written with the width brush with no draft.

("Corner Pen" [] is allowed to use. )

Because it is possible to break and the column of the sample of about above by the specification, please correct it if it is anxious.

① usually draw letters

② 'll run auto action

Changed the brush shape from the ③ object, and changed the brush size accordingly.

How to register brush shape

Drag & Drop Brush to register sub tool

register to preset from the sub tool detail brush shape tab

Because the brush is not suitable for normal drawing, you must remove it from the sub tool after registering brush shape.










Freehand Gutter Character フリーハンドふち文字

Content ID:1688041

Published : 8 years ago

Last updated : 8 years ago

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