Seamless Creation Ver2 (シームレス作成 ver2) シームレス作成 ver2

Content ID:1681854

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This material can be used in Studio Mode. (What is Studio Mode?)

"Seamless creation Action" is the revised version!

Last time I had to set the "half for Vertical", "half for horizontal" image, but...
Succeeded in making this half-picture in action! \ (^O^)/
No need to do any more pre-work!!

※ Because the gap comes out if the canvas size is odd, please be sure to be even!
* Please play the action with the selected layer of the image to be seamless.
* You are free to distribute and sell images created using this action. No application or report is required.




Old version

Content ID:1681854

Published : 7 years ago

Last updated : 7 years ago

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ツイッターでクリスタの機能だったり素材だったりの解説とかプチ小技を呟いてます。 素材の問い合わせは日本語でお願いします… I can reply only in Japanese.