customize saturated line (カスタマイズ集中線) カスタマイズ集中線

Content ID:1674897

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This material collection includes materials that can be used in Studio Mode. (What is Studio Mode?)

Brush saturated line saturated line shape but I want to make! If you have anything to add, please message.
I can add it immediately if the same setting ^ ^

"Betaflatone" (ID: 1674852) made using the reverse Betaflablasi is also distributed! It is free of charge.


It is a saturated line that can customize made with saturated line tool !

After drawing with the saturated line tool, you can customize various settings, such as line lengths, thicknesses, intervals, angles, and curves.
In short, a normal saturated line tool is a custom thing W
Use the object tool when you want to customize after drawing.

Customize Flow line is also in the open material ! Please go there.

※ Please note that the longer the length of the line, the heavier the operation.
If a long line is needed, it is recommended to draw in a short, and to adjust it later for a long time.

■ Sample (detailed description is below.) )
🔻 reverse Betaflablasi is adjusted to be a good feeling with some size.
When making small reverse Betafla, adjust various settings.
Please fill in Betafla around manually (^ ^;
🔻 Hakko radiation will be white when you choose white and draw.
✓ Toning the tool property, or toning the layer after the drawing is grayed out.
🔻 egg radiation is adjusted to be a good feeling in some size.
Adjust various settings when making small egg radiation.
It is a good feeling to reduce the ' thickness ' of the sub tool detail brush tip!
The setting of the 🔻 starting and ending to turn ' enter ' OFF and ' punching ' turns the direction opposite.
The position of the ball is neatly arranged by removing the ✓ of ' jagged reference position '.

■ Commentary

Draw saturated line shape tool using shapes like ↓.

The brush saturated line tool draws saturated line by tracing the lines drawn as below.

Moving a point with a object tool changes the shape.
You can make a curve by ✓ to tool property ' curve '.
You can add or remove points with a right-click.
If you switch corners, the curve will be perpendicular.

Place the radiation ruler at the center of the saturated line, and the center point will come on top of the radiant ruler by ✓ in the saturated line tool property ' use of the radiation ruler.

When using overlapping saturated line for multiple tones, remove the saturated line layer toning and toning the folders together into one folder to toning the overlap.

Saturated line tool property, you can change various settings in the tool property of the object tool after drawing!
brush size → line width
Length → Length of line
-Uneven saturated line lines → gap from reference position

The tip image is fitted in a linear saturated line. (White saturated line content ID:1622057)
If you choose "Material" from sub tool detail "brush tip", it will be a black and white half of the line.
The black and white ratio changes by adjusting the orientation.
It is good to make the line thicker with brush size.

Please try to idi various settings! \ (^O^)/

Thank you for your relationship to the long commentary (* ´ turn ' *)
集中線ツールで作った カスタマイズできる集中線 です!


カスタマイズ流線 も素材公開中です!そちらもどうぞ^^


■ 見 本 (細かい説明は下にあります。)

■ 解 説







線状の集中線には先端画像をはめ込んであります。(白乗せ集中線 コンテンツID:1622057と同じものです)



Shape saturated line 図形集中線

Brushes saturated line ブラシ集中線

Tone saturated line トーン用集中線

Pop saturated line ポップ集中線

Content ID:1674897

Published : 8 years ago

Last updated : 8 years ago

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