Amulet (3 colors, 6 characters) (お守り(3色6種文字)) お守り(3色6種文字)

Content ID:2160350

  • 798
This material can be used in Studio Mode. (What is Studio Mode?)

It is a talisman that seems to have various benefits. There are 6 types of letters and no letters, 2 colors for tones, and pure white for shadows.
With LT conversion, the lines come out neatly and can be used with little addition.
Easy to illustrate in colored 3D. There is an explanation.

If you turn off the light source in 3D tool property, you can make only the pattern look beautiful by LT conversion.

Explanation of color illustration

1. First, place the 3D and decide the angle, etc.

2. Layer duplicate the placed 3D, uncheck "Light source: This model is apply light source" from the 3D tool property, and rasterize the 3D layer.

3. From the tool property of the 3D layer you left, check whether "Light source: This model is apply light source" is checked, adjust the direction of the shadow, etc., and change the light source intensity if you are concerned.
Select "Pure White for Shadows" from the 3D layer materials.

4. Use 3D layer LT conversion to add lines and shadows. Change the line width and line detection amount according to the illustration size.
Check the tone to make it only one color in gradation. Here we toning a net, but it can be gray.

5. Change the color of the line produced by LT conversion to your liking, take the selection from the tone produced by one color, and layer the shadow with your favorite color.
It is completed together with the color rasterize in step 2.
Finally, I added white as an extra.








material マテリアル

  • Japanese pattern (red) 和柄(赤)
  • tonegray トーン用グレー
  • Japanese pattern (light blue) 和柄(水色)
  • for shadowspure white 影用真っ白

disposition 配置

  • Amulet 御守り
  • marriage 縁結び
  • Prayer for passing the exam 合格祈願
  • Prayer for safe birth 安産祈願
  • Safe at home 家内安全
  • Prayer for victory 必勝祈願
  • No text 文字無し

Update history

Since the data was heavy, I changed the texture and increased the color pattern. Also, the character frame was thin, so I changed it to thicker. データが重かったのでテスクチャを変更し、カラーパターンを増やしました。

Old version

Content ID:2160350

Published : 3 days ago

Last updated : 2 days ago

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