Horoscope brush (ホロスコープブラシ) ホロスコープブラシ

Content ID:2157704

  • 28
This material catalog contains materials that can be used from Clip Studio Paint Ver. 1.10.10. ( Download the latest version here )

It is a brush that allows you to write constellation symbols and planetary symbols.
You can use it as a background somehow, or you can use it like a stamp at one point.

It is a brush that allows you to write constellation symbols and planetary symbols.
You can use it as a background somehow, or you can use it like a stamp at one point.
It is a set of pastel colors and those that can be recolored with foreground colors.

▼Brush Type

・ There is also a version where the color of the pen can be changed.

▼ Usage example rough
・ It is cute even if you use a balloon
・ border of watercolor also fits
・ You can also use it by applying your favorite gradation after drawing with the drawing color.
・ Also for illustration points




Pastel colors パステルカラー

Drawing color can be changed 描画色変更可

Update history

Add watermark to brush description image ブラシ説明画像に透かしを追加

Content ID:2157704

Published : 7 hours ago

Last updated : 4 hours ago

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