WIP Layer Creation Action (wipレイヤ作成アクション) wipレイヤ作成アクション

Content ID:1990340

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This material can be used in Studio Mode. (What is Studio Mode?)

The auto action to add a WIP layer directly above the paper layer.
Copies and merges the currently displayed layer into the WIP folder.
It is useful when you want to keep the passage of the writing for the data which advances work gradually.

How to use

Run the auto action with all the layers you want to remain as WIP layers.

When you do this, you create a layer that joins a copy of the display layer in the WIP folder that is directly above the paper layer.  

* When the top layer is selected and executed, an error pop-up may appear when the layer is moved to the front, but it is not a problem to disregard and to continue.

* If the WIP folder is closed, the layer will be added immediately above the WIP folder. (Due to the CLIP STUDIO specification, you cannot create an action to add a layer to a closed folder.)

[First time]...... Create a WIP layer in the folder directly above the paper layer and then create the WIP layers inside the folders  

[The second time]...... Create a WIP layer in the WIP folder

Paper Pear...... Create WIP layer without paper layer

* Only the paper layer is included in the normal action, regardless of whether it is visible or hidden, and is not included in the paper Pear action

-I want to weigh the data to do until time lapse, but it is recommended when I want to share the progress + sharing

If you are afraid that the production process disappears unintentionally, you may want to put a lock on the WIP folder.












Content ID:1990340

Published : 1 year ago

Last updated : 1 year ago

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