Rose Brush Lace Stamp Set (薔薇ブラシ・レース・スタンプセット) 薔薇ブラシ・レース・スタンプセット

Content ID:2156778

  • 1,138

Rose motif brushes, lace and stamps. 薔薇モチーフのブラシ、レース、スタンプです。

I like flowers and especially roses, so I often use them as motifs.
In the future, lace and patterns with flower motifs, accessories, bouquets, wreath making sets, etc.
I'm going to make it, so if you have any flowers you want, please let me know.


It is a stamp that allows you to make a border etc. with roses.
There are four types: long, short, one-flowered, and several.
Please try using it in combination for title frames, decorative borders, simple leases, etc.

There are three types of lace with a rose motif.
You can freely change the color of the main lines and inside.





Floral ornament 花飾り

Content ID:2156778

Published : 2 days ago

Last updated : 2 days ago

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