With a women's bonus desk chair to sit at the desk (机に座る女子オマケ机椅子付き) 机に座る女子オマケ机椅子付き
Content ID:2150482
This is the pose of a girl sitting at a desk. I hope you can convey the atmosphere of relaxing and chatting during recess.
Poses and examples
Image from a different angle of the pose
The size of the model in the photo is as follows:
Women's 153.7cm 7 heads
Desk top height about 70cm
Chair seat: Approx. 43cm
Please adjust it to your liking.
We have prepared a simple study desk and chair (about the size of the new JIS No. 5) that you made yourself.
Since the desk and chair are object separate, they can be moved individually and the display can be switched on and off. However, since it is a simple version, there are no detailed details and the color cannot be changed. Please use it only as a reference for pose.
The price and contents of materials are subject to change without notice.
女子 153.7cm 7頭身
机の天板高さ 約70cm
椅子の座面 約43cm
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