Letters and Panels _Text & Flame (文字とコマ_Text&Flame) 文字とコマ_Text&Flame

Content ID:2146223

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Empty character layers and frame folders. 空の文字レイヤーとコマフォルダーです。

It is a layer material that you can drag from the material palette and drop it on the layer list to place the text layer / frame folder wherever you want.

When you want to use the frame tool or balloon tool as a "shape tool", it is a material to create a layer at any position. I don't think it's a very common usage.

A text layer/frame folder is created on the layer list where the red line appears.

Set the Text tool and the frame tool as follows frame border and create text.

- Changed the text tool option [how to add] to [Add to selected text].

- Changed the frame tool option [how to add] to [Add to selected folder].







Coma _Flame コマ_Flame

Text _Text テキスト_Text

Content ID:2146223

Published : 1 month ago

Last updated : 1 month ago

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