パレスチナのクーフィーヤ(Kufiya) (パレスチナのクーフィーヤ(Kufiya)) パレスチナのクーフィーヤ(Kufiya)

Content ID:2140066

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* This material is free of charge. CLIP STUDIO Please comply with the ASSETS rules and use them with respect for culture. ※この素材は無料です。CLIP STUDIO ASSETSの規約を遵守しつつ、文化に敬意を持ってご使用ください。

This is a collection of materials for drawing the pattern of Kufiya, a traditional Palestinian hood.

Keffiyeh is very commonly used in Palestine, regardless of class.
It is used not only for hoods but also for shawls, stoles, mufflers, etc.

The patterns represent the traditional Palestinian crop of olives, trade routes, and fishing nets used in fishing, respectively.

Not only these, but also image material that can be patterned. Please refer to the list of materials at the bottom of this page.

Also, the original keffiyeh is a textile, but this time I painted it with a soft touch of embroidery style. You can add seams with the "Stitch Addition" brush.

It is a tassel brush that can decorate the edges of scarves and shawls.

"Tassel" allows you to arrange the tassels vertically.
"Tassel _ with base" is a ribbon brush, so it bends according to the direction of the stroke.

You can change the color of the white area in the sub color settings.

Please use it with respect for the culture.







<タッセルブラシ 2024. 12/25追加>





BRUSH Material brush素材

pattern image material pattern画像素材

For stitch additions stitch加筆用

Tassel タッセル(tassel)

Update history

2023 12/23 Fishing net brush added, explanation and image added. 2024 12/25 Added tassel brush, explanation and image.        (There was a missing brush material, so I made a similar update again) 2023年 12/23 漁網ブラシ追加、解説と画像の追加。
2024年 12/25 タッセルブラシ追加、解説と画像の追加。

Old version

Content ID:2140066

Published : 11 hours ago

Last updated : 11 hours ago

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